You Are Not A Failure

I get it.

Life hurts sometimes.

That’s why I did this recent YouTube Live.

If you don’t see the details of YOUR story intersecting with God’s Story, life can feel very disappointing and frustrating.

That’s why I love Genesis 37 - 50.

Joseph is the Rejected Brother who becomes the Rescuer.

Dig into some Raw Encouragement today.

If you like what you see, Subscribe to my new YouTube Channel.

And if you want more free online resources from the life of Joseph, just go here.

You are not a failure.

Never Waste a Sunday: 7 Leadership Tips That Will Grow Your Church


I believe to my core that it is the responsibility of the reached to reach!

The local church should NEVER apologize for trying to fulfill the Great Commission because Jesus is God, the Bible is true, Hell is hot and Forever is a long time.

The drumbeat of every church leader HAS to be for reaching the lost at ANY cost!


Too often church leaders focus only on Easter and Christmas as their “big weekends.”

This drives me nuts!

EVERY Sunday is somebody’s FIRST Sunday at your church… and they are LOOKING FOR A REASON to NOT return!

I don’t know about you, but our team wants to make it HARD for people to go to HELL in our region.

Every weekend an army of volunteers that we affectionally call “Lifers” get up early and stay late to roll out the red carpet, love + serve guests, and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make Jesus famous in Saginaw and Midland.

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For what it’s worth, here are

7 Leadership Tips That Will Grow Your Church:

  1. Get Fired Up

    Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, and Luke 14:27.

    Don’t miss this: FIVE TIMES Jesus gives you and me a job description for ministry.

    If you are a church leader, your calling is crystal clear from these teachings: GO + DIE!

    You have NOT been called to COMFORT. Jesus did NOT give you the Great Suggestion… it’s is a Commission and should cause HOLY DISCONTENT in YOUR HEART!

    My definition of Church Leadership is simple: You are called to be KAMIKAZE DISCIPLES. During World War II, the Japanese would award the privilege of dying for the mission to elite pilots. Their job was to do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission… even if it meant risk and death. They were the elite kamikaze’s.

    We need more church leaders who are less concerned about their online popularity or their next paycheck and more concerned with winning souls and making Jesus famous!

    Get out there, die to self, and do whatever it takes to point lost people to the Gospel!

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2. Put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE!

You cannot sit back and HOPE lost people will show up or HOPE volunteers will pull off ministry flawlessly.

God has given you a wonderful opportunity: hours and hours during the work week to set up your volunteers for success and to make some noise and attract more guests!

Don’t waste your weekdays surfing Facebook. Pick up the phone, reach out, and HUSTLE!

If YOU don’t get a fire in your belly to HUSTLE and make things happen, guess what? Things WON’T happen!

Put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE!


3. Make Some Noise!

Ask yourself: If the Apostle Paul were alive today in 2019 and had a smart phone mega-computer in his hands, how would he use it for the Gospel?


4. Make It Memorable

Every guest who walks through your doors this Sunday is expecting everything to suck.

Our generation assumes that your church is judgmental, wants their money, and wants them to vote a certain way.

If you want to grab their imagination, make it memorable! Provide Holy Wow moments from the Parking Lot to the Dismissal.

Need practical ideas and simple how-to’s? Check out Fearless Leadership All Access!

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.
— Ephesians 3:20, The Passion Translation


5. Communicate the Plan

Remember how I said you need to put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE?

You cannot assume your volunteers are prayed up, prepared, and punctual for serving.

Be the leader who is accused of OVER-communicating!

Email, text, and PICK UP THE FLIPPIN’ PHONE to OVER-communicate the plan for this Sunday!

Vision leaks.

Details fall through cracks.

If you want to create a memorable experience, get your ducks in a row every single week, follow a checklist, and communicate the plan over and over again!

If your team senses YOUR urgency — guess what? — THEY will develop urgency!


6. Dangle Carrots & Community

Make sure you collect contact info from every single guest.

If you don’t have a way to follow up with guests, you are completely blowing it!

At Life Church, we use Connection Cards AND Text In Church.

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Dangling Carrots means you want to incentivize WHY a first-time guest should become a second-time guest.

Give them a reason WHY this coming Sunday is going to be killer!

* We have a robust follow-up system for our staff and interns that we love sharing with church leaders in Fearless Leadership All Access.

Dangling Community means offering easy on-ramps toward developing relationships and making new friends.

* Our team would love to equip you from start-to-finish with HOW to develop systems of care through LifeGroups, Online Growth Tracks, and more! Start winning now by joining Fearless Leadership All Access.



You can do EVERYTHING RIGHT and yet without God’s supernatural power, you will continually encounter failure.

I believe God WANTS to BLESS your church!

Your personal worship moves the heart of God.

Focus on Jesus (apart from Him you can do NOTHING), ascribe worth (aka “worship”) to Him, beg the Father, worship in spirit and truth… Seek God’s Heart!



No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets

One of my heroes of the faith is the little-known missionary William Borden.


William Borden’s funeral took place at The Moody Church in Chicago.

During my college years, I discovered the beauty of the gospel while attending The Moody Church.

Never, Never, Never Give Up

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin...”

( Zechariah 4:10 )


5 years ago this week, I was the only staff member of a 9-month-old church start-up.

My worship pastor had just quit and moved back to Florida.

We were meeting in a local elementary school as a portable church stuck at 60 people.

I was angry, discouraged, and our baby church was homeless.

A phone call completely out-of-the-blue from a Lydia of Thyatira (see Acts 16) led to a walk-thru of this former golf store in the shadow of Freeland, Michigan.


Golf Mania had been in and out of bankruptcy for years.  

The latest owner had grown so frustrated at the lack of customers plus mounting bills that he abruptly locked up the facility one day and walked away, never looking back. 


Bankruptcy is a funny thing: everything in Golf Mania was frozen in time.

The show room was still stocked with expensive golf gear.  


It was quiet, musty, and cluttered. 


Receipts were strewn everywhere from freshly-fired employees who never bothered to clean up.  


When you train to become a church start-up specialist, you are skilled at always seeing the potential in every problem.

The facility and furniture were exquisite.   

I couldn’t believe this facility was just sitting here unused! 

This facility was chock full of potential!


The facility tour was in December of 2013.

It would take eleven long, drawn-out-months before we could begin gathering inside the old Golf Mania.

2014 was a year of vision-casting to a dwindling audience, pleading with the Landlords to take a risk on our church start-up, never taking No for an answer with city officials concerned about Zoning, and intense fundraising.

I could have given up.

I felt like giving up.

Yet I didn’t.

Elisha said,
“God’s word:
Dig ditches all over this desert valley. Here’s what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals will drink their fill. This is easy for God to do!” (2 Kings 3)

The word IMPOSSIBLE is NOT in God’s vocabulary!

If He has called you to it, He will see you through it!

Do not despise the days of small beginnings.
Do not give up when you are in the very situations that are ripe for a miracle of God.

Once we opened the doors on a 24/7 leased facility (it was a huge step of faith; we could not afford the monthly rent at that point and I was scared!), the floodgates of blessings were poured out.

People started showing up.

Lives starting changing.

The facility was simply a tool for ministry… and our perseverance was paying off.

We were praying for God to fill our worship space in 3 years…
…and He literally did it in just 3 months!

Never give up.
Fight tooth-and-nail.
Kill the doubts in your head before the Liar kills the dream in your heart.


Sir Winston Churchill said it best…

The great day finally arrived, and after the school's fanfare and acclamation, Sir Winston Churchill stood to his feet, acknowledged the introduction, and gave the following address, which is quoted in full:

'Young men, never give up.
Never give up!
Never give up!!
Never, never, never-never-never-never!'"

Breaking 200

90% of American churches are plateaued or declining.

I want to help you beat the stats.

Let’s quickly reach people far from God.


No, You Don’t Need to Get Worked Up Over “Xmas” and “Happy Holidays”


Every Christmas the “outrage” grows on social media: “they” are trying to take Christ out of Christmas by saying “Xmas” or “Happy Holidays.”

Chill out, Hall-Monitors-for-Jesus.  

Once we understand the history behind these two phrases, ​we can all take a deep breath, relax, and actually become totally fine with these two phrases.


War on Christmas? 


Over the last decade or so, many Christians have felt like there is a “War on Christmas.”


Xmas is not an attempt to take Christ out of Christmas (or, Christ’s Mass to be more precise).

Although, some people may be deliberate in their attempts, the statement by itself is not offensive.

The first letter in the Greek word for “Christ” is chi. In the Roman alphabet, chi is represented by the symbol X.

This means that Xians don’t have to be flustered by hearing or seeing, “Merry Xmas!”



I’m Offended by Happy Holidays”​

Talking heads in the media that get worked up about this second phrase are nuttier than a Snickers bar.  ​

​This statement may be an attempt at being “politically correct.”  However, holiday literally means, “holy day.” Celebrating the birth of Jesus definitely makes it a holy day.

Thankfully, because of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus; everyday can be a happy holy-day.

To the Christ Follower, Christmas shouldn’t be a one-day celebration, but rather, a lifestyle of celebrating the truth that Jesus is Immanuel – God with us.

Israel, Day Five: Where Jesus Died and Rose

Kidron Valley

The Kidron Valley sits between Mount Moriah (which I am standing in front of in the photo above) and the Mount of Olives.

Abraham would have crossed the Kidron Valley enroute to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah.

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3,000 years ago David stood in this valley beholding the Jebusite stronghold which would become Jerusalem, the City of David.

Hebrews believe that this valley is also where King David would have been standing when he “looked up” to see the Angel of the Lord standing between heaven and earth (1 Chronicles 21).

When fleeing Absalom, King David escaped through the Kidron Valley and up the Mount of Olives.

A thousand years later, Jesus would often stay with his best friend Lazarus in the suburb of Bethany. When Jesus would head into Jerusalem, He would cross over the Mount of Olives and through the Kidron Valley enroute to the Temple.


The Western Wall

As Jesus predicted, the Roman Empire ransacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in 70 AD.

The only portion that remains standing to this day is a portion of the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall. Jews revere this wall as their holiest spot since it faces where the Holy of Holies would have been (now covered by a Mosque and the Dome of the Rock).

We were not allowed to photograph directly at the Wall, and so we snapped these photos from a ledge above the area before making our way to the Wall for prayer.


Church of the Holy Sepulchre

We visited this historic site built under the direction of Constantinople’s mother Helena in the 4th Century. This building is so ancient that is even boasts graffitti from the Crusaders!

The entryway (pictured here) has remained virtually unchanged since the 12th Century. This site contains where many believe Jesus was crucified and His nearby empty tomb.

You can read more about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre’s history here.

Helena had this structure built over the site of the Empty Tomb.

Helena had this structure built over the site of the Empty Tomb.


Israel, Day Four: Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Entering Modern-Day Bethlehem

Because of the complexity of today’s Middle East, the town Jesus was born in no longer is found in Israel; it is in the Palestinian Authority.

Trekking into Bethlehem meant passing through sophisticated, heavily-armed border security. How ironic that the birthplace of the Prince of Peace is shrouded in barbed wire and machine guns.



Inside the walls of Bethlehem, the huge security walls are covered in wall art and graffiti.

The plight of the Palestinians is wrapped in religion, culture, and politics.

Very quickly we could see that the economy inside is near-collapse.

The Palestinian soldiers were happy to wave our tour bus through when they realized we were Americans (our Hebrew guide, however, was forbidden to enter Bethlehem).


Church of the Nativity

After a long walk, we finally arrived in Manger Square.

A large Catholic Church was built over the site of Jesus’ birth, one of the holiest sites in Christianity.

This church boasts the world’s longest-running worship service; it’s been perpetually worshiping Christ in one long service for about 1,500 years! Day and night, monks and holy men tend to their altars and worship.

To enter the Church of the Nativity, you literally must stoop low. This architecture is purposeful — all who enter the site of Christ’s birth should do so with great humility and reverence.


Ancient Christianity

Walking inside the Church of the Nativity is like stepping back in time: darkness is everywhere, the scent of incense punches through the air, and every step takes you across ancient mosaic flooring and solid gold paintings from across the centuries.


Three Wise Men

Over the centuries, the Middle East has been conquered by Muslim invaders, Crusading knights, and various other sects and groups.

This site was nearly destroyed by Muslims wanting to eradicate Christianity centuries ago. Legend has it that before torching this church, the invaders came across this giant fresco. Although you can barely make out the painting today, it depicts the three wise from the East who came to worship the Christ child.


The Muslim invaders apparently came across this very fresco, saw the Oriental holy men depicted, and thus decided to spare destroying the site of Christ’s birth.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem near Jerusalem during the reign of King Herod. 

After Jesus’ birth a group of spiritual priests from the East came to Jerusalem and inquired of the people, “Where is the child who is born king of the Jewish people? We observed his star rising in the sky and we’ve come to bow before him in worship.”

( Matthew 2 )


Ancient Art

The closer we got to the entrance of the Cave where Jesus was born, the more extravagant, the more fragile and the more ancient the works of art became.


Everything you see that looks gold IS really gold.

High above the descending marble stairway leading into the Cave hangs this solid gold portrait:


This is the Historical Spot where Jesus Entered Our World

This is Where Mary Gave Birth in the Cave

When the time of fulfillment had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the written law.

Yet all of this was so that he would redeem and set free all those held hostage to the written law so that we would receive our freedom and a full legal adoption as his children.

( Galatians 4:4-5, TPT )


Inside Jesus’ Birthplace

The ceiling is low, the space is cramped, people are crammed everywhere as dimly lit Renaissance paintings peer at us from within the Cave’s blackened walls.


The Site of the Manger

When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son.

After wrapping the newborn baby in strips of cloth, they laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village.

( Luke 2:6-7 )


The Church

Back above the Cave, we walked past worship services in progress and marveled at the ancient architecture.

Look Closely…. Jesus is shushing you!

Look Closely…. Jesus is shushing you!

O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Little Town of Bethlehem

The Birthplace of Jesus is surrounded by Mosques

The Birthplace of Jesus is surrounded by Mosques

Allah (the Moon god) is the focus of the Crescent Moon atop these Mosques in Bethlehem

Allah (the Moon god) is the focus of the Crescent Moon atop these Mosques in Bethlehem

In the distance, Shepherd’s Field

That night, in a field near Bethlehem, there were shepherds watching over their flocks.  

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared in radiant splendor before them, lighting up the field with the blazing glory of God, and the shepherds were terrified! 

But the angel reassured them, saying, “Don’t be afraid. For I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah. 

You will recognize him by this miracle sign: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a feeding trough!”

Then all at once, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they all praised God, singing:

 “Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven!
    For there is peace and a good hope given to the sons of men.”

When the choir of angels disappeared back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go! Let’s hurry and find this Word that is born in Bethlehem and see for ourselves what the Lord has revealed to us.”

( Luke 2:8-15, TPT)



Onward to Jerusalem

And the time that David reigned over Israel was forty years.

He reigned seven years in Hebron and thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

( 1 Kings 2:11, ESV )


Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City

There are three mountains that are referenced throughout Scripture.

They are found here: Mount Zion, Mount of Olives, and Mount Moriah.

In Hebrew thought, three mountains = three letters in the Hebrew word for GOD.

Zion Gate protects the City. It was specifically designed for archers about 500 years ago by the Turks.

The walls are pock-marked with the bullet holes from past conflicts.

The walls are pock-marked with the bullet holes from past conflicts.


The Upper Room

“And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.”

( Jesus in Mark 14:15, ESV )

This is the place where Jesus and His disciples had their Last Supper.

Tradition says that the Upper Room was built above King David’s Tomb.

It originally had a rooftop (Jesus said, “Come, let us ARISE…”)

This is where the 11 disciples prayed for 40 days after Jesus ascended into Heaven.

Peter also preached on Pentecost from the roof.



Mount Moriah and the History of Jerusalem

According to Rabbinic tradition, the Mount (now covered by the golden Dome of the Rock by Muslims) is the site where God formed Adam from the dust of the earth.

Abram came to Mount Moriah 4,000 years ago in Genesis 22:

After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”

The stone (housed to this day under the Dome of the Rock) Abram used for the ram sacrifice is remembered as the foundation of the Jewish nation.


Solomon built the first temple on Mount Moriah.

450 years later Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians.

Alexander the Great took Jerusalem for 200 years, followed by the Roman Empire.

In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the Temple, leaving only a remnant of the Western Wall (known today as the Wailing Wall, the holiest site in Judaism). Israel ceased to be a nation and would not rise again for nearly 1,900 years.

In 320 AD, Helena (mother of Emperor Constantinople) came from Rome and destroyed all the existing pagan Roman temples. Helena replaced them with churches.

In 800 AD, Muhammad was born.

50 years after Muhammad’s death, a Calyph had a dream of Muhammad on a flying horse sailing from Saudi Arabia to the sacred stone on Mount Moriah. This led to armies of Muslims invading and destroying all the Christian churches. Muslims erected the Dome of the Rock on Mount Moriah.

Years later the Crusaders came and destroyed all mosques and built churches.

A Muslim leader eventually arose - Salahadin - who defeated the Crusaders due to the heat. He destroyed all the churches and built mosques.

500 years ago the Turks came to reestablish churches.

And in 1948, Israel was reestablished as the Jewish homeland.
