REBUILD YOUR CHURCH, REGAIN MOMENTUM, AND GROW IN 2025 with our NEW 9 Month Coaching Program!
Learn leadership strategies from Jonathan Herron, leader of one of America’s Fastest-Growing Churches!
No Egos.
No Comparison Games.
No Swagger or rejection.
The Fearless Leadership Network exists to help START new churches and STRENGTHEN church leaders.
We want to help you QUICKLY reach MORE people FAR from God in your region.
Using principles of comedy combined with modern church planting strategies, we can make you fearless.
If you win, we all win and heaven gets more crowded.
If YOU are HUMBLE, HUNGRY, and ready to HUSTLE, church planting expert Jonathan Herron and his team can help you SHATTER your current growth barrier!
Whether you’re trying to break 100, 200, 500, or 1,000+ in weekly attendance,
your church can and will grow using our proven strategies from the worlds of improv comedy and modern church planting.
Your 9 Month Network Subscription includes:
1:1 Personal Coaching Call on the 1st Wednesday of each month
Monthly live teaching via Zoom with Jonathan Herron (see photo on left) on 3rd Wednesday of each month
NEW Video Training Series:
How to DOUBLE Your Church in 9 MonthsPersonalized copy of Jon’s bestseller - Holy Shift: Using Principles of Comedy to Quickly Reach People Far From God
Breaking 200 Online Video Training Series
Tool Kit: How to Raise $30k in 30 Days
Tool Kit: How to Pull Off an Easter Egg Helicopter Drop
E-Book: How to Increase by 15% in 4 Easy Steps
Access to Private Facebook Group for Encouragement & Tools
Online Resources Vault with complete systems & docs that will get your team completely organized with clarity
Message graphics and sermon video bumpers you can use in your church
What is the Network?
In 2025, the Fearless Leadership Network will focus on helping Lead Pastors, Church Planters and Entrepreneurs rebuild their congregations, retool their ministry strategies for growth, and regain momentum in a post-Covid world. Specifically:
This 9-month coaching program begins in February 2025 and culminates in a one-day leadership conference in August (9 sessions total).
The Network meets once a month (Zoom) for a deep dive on the 12 dynamic systems for healthy church growth taught by Jonathan Herron, subject matter experts, and special guests.
Each month, participants will receive a detailed, proven 4-step ministry system & practical strategy to customize for their unique context. Supporting PDF documents, templates, ministry forms, best practices, graphics and creative assets are all included in the cost of the Coaching Network.
We’ll cover topics relevant to rebuilding your church post-Covid in 2023 and how Lead Pastors can help their teams:
Backfill volunteers
Re-start the flywheel of growth
Strengthen the emotional health of your team
Engage the future of online church & digital ministry
Increase the generosity of core donors in a post-Covid world
The goal of our Network is simple: To help you rebuild stronger congregations, retool their ministry systems & teams, and start growing again in 2023!
Sessions & Topics
Like the human body, the local church is a body made-up of interrelated systems designed to produce health & organic growth. In the Fearless Leadership Network, we’ll learn about the Top 12 systems a Lead Pastor must focus on to maximize growth and reach more people for Christ.
Each month, we will take a deep dive into one of the 12 Strategic Systems of a growing church:
The EVANGELISM system is how to create awareness with the public, engage them with the Gospel, attract new guests to your church, and inspire them to regularly invite their friends.
The PREACHING system is how to dynamically communicate God’s truth each week, develop sermon series, plan a 12-month Preaching Calendar, and churchwide campaigns to creatively engage people with God’s Word.
The SERVICE PROGRAMMING system is how to plan weekly worship services– bringing together live music, graphics, video and creative elements to create a cohesive, compelling and seamless service experience every Sunday.
The ASSIMILATION system is how to inspire first-time guests to come back to your church again and again. It’s not enough to have visitors come through your front door– this is the key strategy for closing the back door and helping people stick.
The SMALL GROUPS system is how to move people into intentional community for the purposes of discipleship– teaching them to apply the Bible, bear one another’s burdens, and providing a chance to serve their neighbors.
The DREAM TEAM system is how to unleash an army of ministry volunteers to use their God-given gifts in the church to serve Jesus, love others, and change the world. This include the best practices for recruiting & doubling your current volunteer base.
The FAMILY system is how to set the foundation for the next generation to develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus from childhood through their high school years. This system includes break-out systems for Kids, Students, and Special Needs ministry
The SPIRITUAL CARE system is how you can support people who are hurting or struggling in our church with prayer, 1-1 discipleship, hospital visitation, pastoral care, and lay counseling.
The OUTREACH system is how to move people from their seats to the streets to compassionately serve your local community and global causes.
The STEWARDSHIP system is how to cultivate a culture of radical generosity to fund your mission, plan your budget, manage funds with integrity, and develop faithful tithers & generous givers.
The STAFFING system is how to recruit, train, and retain high-capacity leaders (both Staff & Volunteers) to lead the ministry of your church.
The CAMPUS EXPANSION system is how to reproduce and launch new locations of your ministry. (includes Multisite launch strategy)
Each month, Lead Pastors will receive a detailed, proven 4-step ministry system & practical strategy to customize for their unique context. Supporting PDF documents, templates, ministry forms, best practices, graphics and creative assets are all included in the cost of the Church Growth Network.