I believe to my core that it is the responsibility of the reached to reach!
The local church should NEVER apologize for trying to fulfill the Great Commission because Jesus is God, the Bible is true, Hell is hot and Forever is a long time.
The drumbeat of every church leader HAS to be for reaching the lost at ANY cost!
Too often church leaders focus only on Easter and Christmas as their “big weekends.”
This drives me nuts!
EVERY Sunday is somebody’s FIRST Sunday at your church… and they are LOOKING FOR A REASON to NOT return!
I don’t know about you, but our team wants to make it HARD for people to go to HELL in our region.
Every weekend an army of volunteers that we affectionally call “Lifers” get up early and stay late to roll out the red carpet, love + serve guests, and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make Jesus famous in Saginaw and Midland.
For what it’s worth, here are
7 Leadership Tips That Will Grow Your Church:
Get Fired Up
Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, and Luke 14:27.
Don’t miss this: FIVE TIMES Jesus gives you and me a job description for ministry.
If you are a church leader, your calling is crystal clear from these teachings: GO + DIE!
You have NOT been called to COMFORT. Jesus did NOT give you the Great Suggestion… it’s is a Commission and should cause HOLY DISCONTENT in YOUR HEART!
My definition of Church Leadership is simple: You are called to be KAMIKAZE DISCIPLES. During World War II, the Japanese would award the privilege of dying for the mission to elite pilots. Their job was to do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission… even if it meant risk and death. They were the elite kamikaze’s.
We need more church leaders who are less concerned about their online popularity or their next paycheck and more concerned with winning souls and making Jesus famous!
Get out there, die to self, and do whatever it takes to point lost people to the Gospel!
2. Put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE!
You cannot sit back and HOPE lost people will show up or HOPE volunteers will pull off ministry flawlessly.
God has given you a wonderful opportunity: hours and hours during the work week to set up your volunteers for success and to make some noise and attract more guests!
Don’t waste your weekdays surfing Facebook. Pick up the phone, reach out, and HUSTLE!
If YOU don’t get a fire in your belly to HUSTLE and make things happen, guess what? Things WON’T happen!
Put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE!
3. Make Some Noise!
Ask yourself: If the Apostle Paul were alive today in 2019 and had a smart phone mega-computer in his hands, how would he use it for the Gospel?
4. Make It Memorable
Every guest who walks through your doors this Sunday is expecting everything to suck.
Our generation assumes that your church is judgmental, wants their money, and wants them to vote a certain way.
If you want to grab their imagination, make it memorable! Provide Holy Wow moments from the Parking Lot to the Dismissal.
Need practical ideas and simple how-to’s? Check out Fearless Leadership All Access!
“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.”
5. Communicate the Plan
Remember how I said you need to put some MUSCLE in your HUSTLE?
You cannot assume your volunteers are prayed up, prepared, and punctual for serving.
Be the leader who is accused of OVER-communicating!
Email, text, and PICK UP THE FLIPPIN’ PHONE to OVER-communicate the plan for this Sunday!
Vision leaks.
Details fall through cracks.
If you want to create a memorable experience, get your ducks in a row every single week, follow a checklist, and communicate the plan over and over again!
If your team senses YOUR urgency — guess what? — THEY will develop urgency!
6. Dangle Carrots & Community
Make sure you collect contact info from every single guest.
If you don’t have a way to follow up with guests, you are completely blowing it!
At Life Church, we use Connection Cards AND Text In Church.
Dangling Carrots means you want to incentivize WHY a first-time guest should become a second-time guest.
Give them a reason WHY this coming Sunday is going to be killer!
* We have a robust follow-up system for our staff and interns that we love sharing with church leaders in Fearless Leadership All Access.
Dangling Community means offering easy on-ramps toward developing relationships and making new friends.
* Our team would love to equip you from start-to-finish with HOW to develop systems of care through LifeGroups, Online Growth Tracks, and more! Start winning now by joining Fearless Leadership All Access.
You can do EVERYTHING RIGHT and yet without God’s supernatural power, you will continually encounter failure.
I believe God WANTS to BLESS your church!
Your personal worship moves the heart of God.
Focus on Jesus (apart from Him you can do NOTHING), ascribe worth (aka “worship”) to Him, beg the Father, worship in spirit and truth… Seek God’s Heart!
BREAKING 200 VIDEO TRAINING (right now it’s FREE for a limited time!)
Discover how YOUR CHURCH can reach more people far from God with my new BREAKING 500 VIDEO TRAINING
Go nuclear with Fearless Leadership All Access