Church Security in an Unsafe World

Mid-Michigan’s NBC & FOX News affiliates recently covered our church’s pro-active security plan roll-out. I am thankful for the positive news coverage — below is their reporting:


SAGINAW COUNTY, Mich. — Local churches have taken big steps to keep their members safe, following the recent mass shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs.

One church in particular, Life Church, is working with local law enforcement to increase security during its services.

“You think you’re going to a safe place like church, but terrible things can happen anywhere,” one church member said.

The lead pastor, Jonathan Herron, said his congregation expressed concern following the tragedy in Texas, so he took action.

“I started getting messages on my Facebook from people here at Life Church saying, ‘Does the church have a plan?'” Herron said.

He said he then reached out to the Saginaw County Sheriff’s Department and developed a more in-depth plan.

“We’re working with a lot of churches with training, but recently we did have one church in Saginaw County that asked to hire us… hire a deputy on duty, full uniform, with a car to be at their church services,” Saginaw County Sheriff William Federspiel said.

Herron said just having their presence makes him feel better as both a parent and a pastor.

“It makes me feel good when I bring my children to church on Sunday that they see a smiling sheriff’s deputy there to welcome them,” he said.

He said this change has encouraged more people to walk through their doors.

“Church is a light in the darkness and partnering with the Saginaw County Sheriff’s Department is just another way that we’re able to shine that light brighter, so people feel welcomed into a place full of hope and without fear,” Herron added.

Sheriff Federspiel said the department is working on holding active shooter situation training for churches in the area later in December.

The sheriff said his deputies are also making a point to make their presence known in church parking lots on Sundays.

I am a pastor diagnosed with Depression and ADHD… and it’s a gift to me

I’ve always dealt with mood swings throughout my life.  Some days my brain would be running a million miles a minute, flooded with thoughts and ideas.  Other days I felt like hiding under a thick blanket and binge-watching Netflix, unable to face the world.  I thought what I was experiencing was normal.  It wasn’t.

About a year and a half ago God tenderly and wisely allowed some crushing moments into my life.

When you start a church from scratch and it grows really fast, the reward for ‘being a success’ is leadership conflict.  In my case, a best friend blindsided me and a small group of people I loved tried to (unsuccessfully) hijack the church.  We navigated through that season by trusting God, walking in transparency and integrity, and keeping our focus on the vision of reaching people far from God.

I believe in the complete rule and sovereignty of God: there is no random chance in this universe that is carefully governed by a Grand Designer.  In the midst of the crushing, I knew there was a purpose.

When I noticed my mood swings becoming more intense, I made an appointment to see a Christian counselor.  Listen, there is no shame in seeing a counselor.  I believe everyone needs counseling!  I’m married to a licensed counselor and I have seen the benefits personally.  And now I’ve experienced the benefits too.

My counselor is awesome.  He helped me identify trauma and create healthy boundaries.  I love my counselor so much that I recommend him all the time to folks at Life Church Michigan.

Counseling alone didn’t solve the feelings I was grappling with.  I had dealt with mood swings all my life, but as our church has continued growing larger at a very fast rate — and thus more people creating more complexity on my plate — I talked to my wife to see if she was noticing changes in my attitude and emotions.  She encouraged me to talk to my general physician.

Long story short, I was diagnosed with mild depression, a hereditary chemical imbalance in the brain.  My doctor prescribed a low dose of medicine that I take daily and in the many weeks since being on this prescription, I’ve experienced a fantastic change in my outlook on life.  It’s like I can see and think more clearly now.

Further, I saw a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with something everyone who knows me has long-suspected: I have ADHD.  And I am so thankful to finally have clarity on why my brain takes off like a rocket some days!

I understand the stigma of mental illness, especially in Christian circles.

Today I enter my eighteenth year of full-time ministry and I have never, ever heard a sermon or message given that addresses the reality of mental illness.

Some well-meaning Christians might advise, “You just need more faith or you need to pray it away.”  Listen, I’m not insane but THAT advice is insane!  I would never tell someone stricken with cancer that it was their faultand that they just need to pray it away… I would encourage them to get chemotherapy and seek health from a medical doctor!

You see, God heals both through the natural and the supernatural.  Modern medicine is a miracle that we should thank the Lord for.  A thousand years ago, people prayed to not get the plague.  Today we just pray for a bigger television screen!

My diagnosis is a gift to me: God blessed me with a burden so that I could better understand my need for a Savior.  I cannot rescue myself.  Dealing with depression and ADHD allows me to lean on others.  Life is a gift and love is the point.

This past Sunday I shared my story during a message on parenting as an encouragement to our people that:

  1. It’s ok to not be ok… it’s just not ok to STAY that way!

  2. If you are a mom or dad who struggles with their mental or emotional health, our church will stand with you, pray for you, and cheer you on as you seek counseling or psychiatric care!

For what it’s worth, you can watch more of my story from Sunday’s message below (beginning at 18:04).  I hope this encourages you on your journey of discovering life and wholeness in Christ.

Israel, Day Three: Where Jesus Walked

Day Three in the Holy Land


​Our morning began on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, one of the world’s greatest locations of beauty.  


I can almost imagine during creation how God scooped out this tranquil sea with His pinky finger, thinking of how the Son would enjoy three years of ministry along it’s shores. 


Mount Arbel

Jesus pursued a robust, daily communion with the Father: 

  “Jesus went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone...” (Matthew 14:23)


 ” One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”   (Luke 6:12)

The geography of Galilee has not changed in the past two thousand years.  With certainty, scholars have identified Mount Arbel as Jesus’ secret prayer location.  


Standing where Jesus had so often spent time with the Father was deeply moving. From the top of Mount Arbel, Jesus could survey His entire mission field. Capernaum, Magdala, the Sea of Galilee... They are all right there. 



In the photo above you can see a man-made dome.  On just the other side is the location where Jesus fed the 5,000. 


Peter’s Primacy

Jesus always humbled Himself.  He would leave the high places to reach people in the low places.  


Jesus demonstrated this every time He came down Mount Arbel.  He also showed His love for others after His resurrection outside Jerusalem, when Jesus travelled north to pursue Peter.


After famously denying Christ three times at Jesus’ darkest moments, Peter must have thought he had blown it.  


When Jesus’ friends failed Him, He didn’t shame or lecture them.   Jesus cooked them breakfast! 


 “Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Galilee...

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore...”  (John 21)


“As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.

The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.

Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.”  So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.

Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.”

(John 21:7-14)


The Dead Sea

Finally we began the southern journey toward the Dead Sea and Jerusalem.  

In the photo below, you can see the ancient cliff where Jesus drove a herd of demon-possessed swine into the sea (Mark 5:13, Luke 8:33).


The Dead Sea was amazing.  

After being warned not to swallow the water (it could be deadly due to the richness of the think minerals), we all jumped in.   

You literally float due to the heaviness of the mineral-rich waters. It is hard to describe what it feels like! 


Israel, Day Two: The Gates of Hell


Caesarea Philippi

In Matthew 16, Jesus of Nazareth led His disciples on a 3 day journey (on foot) to the far northern border of Israel.

Caesarea Philippi was a Roman center of Pagan worship. Imagine Daytona Beach Spring Break in college mashed with New Year’s Eve in Times Square and throw in sex acts with goats and infant burnings. That’s Caesarea Philippi in the days of Jesus.


When you read the Scriptures, geography matters. Jewish rabbis liked to point to things as object lessons in their teachings. That is what Jesus was doing in Matthew 16.

When He brought His followers to this cave (which has remained virtually untouched over the past 2,000 years), He pointed out this very spot that was nicknamed by the locals: the Gates of Hell.

“Upon THIS rock I will build My church…” - Jesus in Matthew 16, at this very spot

“Upon THIS rock I will build My church…” - Jesus in Matthew 16, at this very spot

Now when you read Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18, you can see how it all takes on a deeper meaning: If Jesus starts something, He WILL complete it (Philippians 1:6)!

This is view Jesus and the disciples saw as they looked out from the Gates of Hell.

This is view Jesus and the disciples saw as they looked out from the Gates of Hell.


Why did Jesus begin this movement called the Church here?

Why not in Jerusalem?

Because in Matthew 16, Jesus is essentially telling us: “I’m not building Church for Church People; I’m doing it for THEM — the Romans engaged in wicked pagan worship. The local church is the PERFECT place for IMPERFECT people!”

Later in Matthew 17, Jesus journeys further north to Mount Hermon where Jesus is transfigured. The high place of Mount Hermon is capped in snow, which Hebrews understand to represent the holiness of God. God says, “I’ll come DOWN to YOU.”

Jesus then journeys DOWN Mount Hermon to Capernaum, which in Hebrew means, “Comforter.” Jesus took the path south that eventually leads down to the Dead Sea.

In everything Jesus said and did, the Son of God humbled Himself. The rest of the gospels show Christ saying, “Now that I have declared the Church, I will go and DIE for her.”

Israelis planted these trees in Galilee over the spot where Jesus fed the 5,000.

Israelis planted these trees in Galilee over the spot where Jesus fed the 5,000.

This is the spot where Jesus healed the Centurion’s servant in Matthew 8:5-13.

This is the spot where Jesus healed the Centurion’s servant in Matthew 8:5-13.

The Town of Jesus

The headquarters for Jesus during His earthly ministry was this tiny sea-side town, where Jesus preached in the local synagogue and stayed in the home of Peter. It is remarkable and powerful to walk along the very streets where Jesus Christ walked.

The ancient Synagogue where Jesus of Nazareth preached.

The ancient Synagogue where Jesus of Nazareth preached.

Capernaum rests at the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee.

Capernaum rests at the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee.

These are the very shores where Jesus walked and called Peter, James, and John to leave EVERYTHING and follow Him.

This is where Jesus stood in Matthew 4:18-22.

This is where Jesus stood in Matthew 4:18-22.

Peter’s House

Jesus spent a lot of time in these ruins — the ancient remains of Peter’s house.

A futuristic Catholic Church that looks like something out of The Jetsons rest above Peter’s house, with a glass floor that rests directly above where Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law.

Peter’s House

Peter’s House

This is where Matthew 8:14-15 happened in world history.

This is where Matthew 8:14-15 happened in world history.

Capernaum’s Synagogue

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:35-38)


Sea of Galilee

Day Two of our journey through the Holy Land ended with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee.

It gave me goosebumps as I saw what Jesus saw while He was walking on these very waters.

This is where Jesus walked on water in Matthew 14:22-33.

This is where Jesus walked on water in Matthew 14:22-33.


Israel, Day One

Four years ago today, I was on a life-changing journey through the Holy Lands.


Walking where Jesus walked and exploring historical archaelogical sites throughout Israel transformed my faith from mere head-knowledge to 3-D, concrete reality.

Before Israel my Scriptures were black-and-white words.
After Israel my Bible is a full spectrum of vivid colors and imagery.

Now when I read a Bible story, I can picture in my mind the geography, remember the smells, and feel a deeper connection to ancient history.

Tiberius along the Sea of Galilee

Tiberius along the Sea of Galilee

I’ve always meant to blog about my journey, but every time I’ve started to in the past, I’ve always gotten distracted (cursed ADHD!) and never finished.

Having just brought home our fifth and final child, I feel a strong responsibility to document my travels in the Holy Lands for my children. I want them to know that Jesus is God, the Bible is true, Hell is hot and Forever is a long time.

Discovering that Christianity is rooted in physically-verifiable science and archaeology was a game changer for me, and I hope these daily blog posts provide a springboard for their faith journies… and yours.


Joining me on my journey four years ago today were my best friends at the time, Luke and Dan:

Luke was one of the first people to get behind my dream of launching Life Church Michigan from scratch and his signature is one of three on our legal incorporation papers! Luke is a jokester who continues to be one of my buddies to this day.

Dan was my best friend. I discovered him in 2010 while hiring for an open worship position at my previous church and we quickly hit it off. In 2014, Dan uprooted his family to join our team again. We opened a church together in a former golf center, our families were close, and I provided the funding for Dan to produce his first radio single.



First stop in Israel were the ancient aqueducts built by King Herod.

Yes, THAT King Herod.

Still standing to this day, these aqueducts line the Mediterranean Sea and brought fresh water 13 miles (!) from Mount Carmel.



Next we traveled north to Caesarea Maritime, built by 8,000 people under the direction of King Herod. Over the centuries the site has been destroyed and rebuilt by Muslims and Crusaders.

The site is first mentioned in Acts chapter 10 and boasts the remains of one of Herod’s summer castles along the sea plus an ancient Olympic stadium. Gold medals used to be the only award at the Olympics; it was King Herod who first introduced the Silver and Bronze medals at Caesarea.


In Acts 12:19, Herod Jr. came to Caesarea where he was struck down by an angel and eaten by worms. If you ask me, that’s a pretty bad way to go.



In Acts 25, the Apostle Paul is arrested and brought here.

Outside Paul’s prison cell was Herod’s Olympic track where he heard athletes practicing hard.

The inspiration for “races” in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Hebrews 12:1-3, Philippians 3:13-14, and 2 Timothy 4:7 in Paul’s writings came from this jail cell (which I am standing above in this next photo).

Remains of King Herod’s summer castle on the edge of the Mediteranean Sea (note the ancient remains of a private swimming pool Herod had installed).

Remains of King Herod’s summer castle on the edge of the Mediteranean Sea (note the ancient remains of a private swimming pool Herod had installed).

Exploring the Olympic Stadium outside Paul’s prison with Jeff Kapusta.

Exploring the Olympic Stadium outside Paul’s prison with Jeff Kapusta.


In Acts 25-26, Paul is brought before the Roman audience to plead his case.

Dan and I stood in the exact spot where Paul did. Acts 26:1 finally made sense; Paul “motioned with his hand” to quiet the crowd because he was facing an audience in-the-round!



Two big ideas rang out to me standing where Paul stood in his chains:

  1. Don’t define your leadership by what you see RIGHT NOW. Paul had NO IDEA his impact… in chains! When you experience new challenges and struggles, you are growing! The leadership you are providing your church now will outlast you… just look at Paul!

  2. Paul was in prison. That’s tough. Yet Paul did not quit. He fought, finished, and kept the faith. Paul used his current struggles to write Scripture. There is always a struggle before a breakthrough!

Luke and I discovered a Sycamore Tree… the kind that Zacchaeus climbed in Luke 19.

Luke and I discovered a Sycamore Tree… the kind that Zacchaeus climbed in Luke 19.


Next we travelled to Mount Carmel, the famous site where the prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven in 1 Kings 18.

It struck me that rain is rare in the desert. How does the sparse vegetation grow?

The morning dew, early in the morning, sustains life.

You will discover your sustenance if you will rise early for the dew.

The danger for leaders is when we focus on the rain (ministry out of memory) and forget the dew (fresh revelation every single morning).

This is the spot where Elijah called down fire from heaven.

This is the spot where Elijah called down fire from heaven.

Mount Carmel gives you a view of the entire landscape. Nazareth (a place of hope) is slightly north of Armageddon (the place of death).

Mount Carmel gives you a view of the entire landscape. Nazareth (a place of hope) is slightly north of Armageddon (the place of death).

The overpass marks where the false prophets of Baal were slaughtered in 1 Kings 18.

The overpass marks where the false prophets of Baal were slaughtered in 1 Kings 18.

The prophet towers over entry to this famous mountain in northern Israel.

The prophet towers over entry to this famous mountain in northern Israel.



Finally we wrapped Day One where Jesus walked on water.

I tried walking on the same water:


7 Factors That Caused Life Church Michigan to Explode

The news is sad: over 85% of churches are plateaued or declining.


I get asked all the time why Life Church Michigan is exploding:
Since launching 5 years ago, my church has grown from 0 people to 1,200 people and is now launching our third church campus.

Of course, God is making it grow (1 Corinthians 3).

For what it’s worth, here are 7 Factors I recently shared during a Fearless Leadership Online Coaching Event that I believe led to our rapid growth:

  1. Early on, we identified WHO we were trying to reach and HOW to shepherd the four types of groups in every church.

    I go into detail on the four types of groups in every church during this recent Fearless Leadership Coaching Event.

  2. It starts in the HEART of the LEADER who ignites a PASSION in the PEOPLE.
    As goes the LEADER, so go the PEOPLE!
    Combining my speaking gifts with my passion for the Lost, my goal every Sunday is to have people leave the church talking about stories from the message.

  3. We decided to be a church that PLANS for 20% GROWTH ANNUALLY.
    10% growth = our power.
    20% growth = God’s power!
    All of our internal systems are designed for a church TWICE our size so that when we grow to that size, we are ALREADY READY for the INCREASE.


5. Facilities are NOT a BARRIER.

The earliest Christ followers in Acts had NO facilities — what they LACKED in RESOURCES they GAINED in being RESOURCEFUL! I unpacked this in greater detail during the Fearless Leadership Online Coaching Event.


6. We decided from Day One to be WILLING to do WHATEVER.

We unapologetically focus on the WEEKENDS: If you don’t draw a crowd, people will not say Yes to Christ (empty rooms kill your credibility)!

7. We created a STRONG INVITING CULTURE. A consistent product on Sundays = No Surprises for our people when they stick their necks out to invite friends to church!



Subscribe to my new FREE monthly podcast FEARLESS LEADERSHIP on Apple Podcasts!


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Never Say No for Other People


I'm a little fired up right now.

Someone just told me they didn't make an ask because they didn't think the person would go for it.

In other words, they said "no" for them.

They "passed" on behalf of the person without even giving them the chance to say "yes."

Let me tell you something...

When it comes to making things happen, everyone has a job.

Your job is to dream audaciously, act courageously and make big asks.

Their job is to say yes or no. And this is their job alone.

Never say no for other people.
Do you know why most church leaders don't lead growing churches?

It's not because they're not capable.

It's not because they don't want to try.
It's because they don't think anyone will buy in to their audacious vision for the future.
They say "no" for the church!

When I planted our church from scratch, I had to get people to buy into the vision and volunteer for an organization that existed only in my head. I had to pull off a miracle with very little money.

So I contacted all the local news stations asking if they would do an interview with me on live television.

Nearly every news producer didn't return my call.  Why would anyone give free, expensive airtime to an unknown, unproven local pastor with no people?

One did.

In what would have cost $35,000 to buy, I received free television airtime to talk about my new church start-up.

Are you kidding me?? That's impossible, right!?

Never Say No for Other People.

Last week, my wife and I found ourselves with a sudden, unexpected adoption bill well North of $15,000.

We were at the end of our rope.

We had no way to come up with that amount of money in 48 hours.

So I started a spur-of-the-moment telethon online.

Did I know if anyone would tune in?  No.

Would an online audience donate money for our cause?  I had no idea.

Was I assured that all my hard work and sweat and financial asks would result in reaching our goal?  Nope.

But I understood this principle of leadership: provision always follows vision.

Leaders have to jump off the cliff first if they expect others to follow.

For 35 hours live online, I shared my heart, we refused to give up, and we prayed that God would bless our efforts.

The end result?

We raised more than $15,000 in 48 hours from strangers online.

Never Say No for Other People.

You have a decision to make this week.

Big asks are part of leadership.

Will everyone support your crazy, audacious vision or goal?

Probably not.

But we will only ever be spectators of other people's achievements and triumphs if we take on the job of saying "no" for other people!

We're Having a Baby


My life just got turned upside-down.

Can you relate?

To catch up to our crazy, life-changing story, first watch this Facebook Livestream.

Still with me?

Sunday afternoon we got a phone call from one of our adopted children’s birthmoms.

She had a baby girl on Saturday and asked if we would adopt her baby.

Here’s how we broke the news to our kids:

Baby Girl is Adorable

Yesterday my wife and I were in Detroit and met our new Baby Girl!


If you SUBSCRIBE to my new YouTube Channel, you can see all the brief video updates we shared!

And yes, we are proud to publicly announce our Baby Girl’s name in this video:

Help Us Bring Our Baby Girl Home to Team Herron

As you can imagine, infant adoption is expensive… and this fell into our laps suddenly, so we’re racing to raise funds!


Thankfully, our friends at Adoption Associates have cut the adoption fees by 50% because of the rare circumstances involved!

We have to raise just over $10,000 in two weeks.

Our friend Monica Lynch designed exclusive new Raising Arrows gear based on Psalm 127 (tee’s, hoodies, Under Armour hats) that benefit our adoption HERE.

We’re also thankful for everyone who has pitched on our new pageyou all rock!

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THANK YOU for your prayers, encouragement, and support during this crazy journey God has called our family into.

We love you!