The news is sad: over 85% of churches are plateaued or declining.
I get asked all the time why Life Church Michigan is exploding:
Since launching 5 years ago, my church has grown from 0 people to 1,200 people and is now launching our third church campus.
Of course, God is making it grow (1 Corinthians 3).
For what it’s worth, here are 7 Factors I recently shared during a Fearless Leadership Online Coaching Event that I believe led to our rapid growth:
Early on, we identified WHO we were trying to reach and HOW to shepherd the four types of groups in every church.
I go into detail on the four types of groups in every church during this recent Fearless Leadership Coaching Event.It starts in the HEART of the LEADER who ignites a PASSION in the PEOPLE.
As goes the LEADER, so go the PEOPLE!
Combining my speaking gifts with my passion for the Lost, my goal every Sunday is to have people leave the church talking about stories from the message.We decided to be a church that PLANS for 20% GROWTH ANNUALLY.
10% growth = our power.
20% growth = God’s power!
All of our internal systems are designed for a church TWICE our size so that when we grow to that size, we are ALREADY READY for the INCREASE.
5. Facilities are NOT a BARRIER.
The earliest Christ followers in Acts had NO facilities — what they LACKED in RESOURCES they GAINED in being RESOURCEFUL! I unpacked this in greater detail during the Fearless Leadership Online Coaching Event.
6. We decided from Day One to be WILLING to do WHATEVER.
We unapologetically focus on the WEEKENDS: If you don’t draw a crowd, people will not say Yes to Christ (empty rooms kill your credibility)!
7. We created a STRONG INVITING CULTURE. A consistent product on Sundays = No Surprises for our people when they stick their necks out to invite friends to church!
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