One change I'm trying to grow in is apologizing when I mess up.
I made this change 8 months ago.
It's not fun.
Never easy.
And yet forgiveness releases pain and opens the door to reconciliation.
So last Fall I started doing something new.
Anytime I hear of someone from the past who posts online about maybe feeling a little hurt or experiencing a twinge of pain caused by me... I pick up the phone and call them.
If they won’t answer, I try texting and emailing them.
It's awkward, I won't lie.
Asking for forgiveness is extremely humbling and I feel like I'm fumbling forward through these phone conversations and voice mails.
But here's what I'm learning: grace is messy.
Love requires action.
And not long ago, I got to have an AMAZING conversation with someone from the past... and see how God is restoring things for a new future!