Lincoln's Leadership Critics


Leaders are generally encouraged after they've led courageously, but not always in the moment.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example.

He had loud critics everywhere.

One of his army commanders, George McClellan, described Lincoln (his boss) as "no more than a well-meaning baboon."

In 1863, the Chicago Times described one of Lincoln's speeches as "an offensive exhibition of boorishness and vulgarity," adding:

"By the side of it, mediocrity is superb."

The name of that speech?

The Gettysburg Address.

My point?

There are no statues of George McClellan or the Chicago Times overlooking the National Mall in Washington.

Make It Happen

There are moments in life where you can't overthink your reaction. 

All you can do is pivot and make it happen.

Take for instance the adoption of our youngest: Alysia Hope.

Adoption wasn't even on our minds. 

We thought our family was complete with four kiddo's and a wiener dog to boot.

Isn't it funny how life interrupts our perfectly-laid plans?

That's when we got the phone call out of the blue: The birthmother of our one-year-old son, Levi, had just given birth to a baby girl -- Would we be willing to adopt her?

"Yes" escaped our mouths before our brains had a chance to catch up with what our ears were hearing.

We committed to a major life-change and significant price tag in a matter of 15 seconds.

Suddenly we were responsible for coming up with over $20,000 in 7 days plus preparing our home for a newborn.

We had to make it happen.

I didn't panic, I ran to the internets and did what any good daddy would do: I started a telethon to raise 20 grand!

Every hour on the hour we went live with stupid human tricks, lip-sync battles, and improv games. 

The goal was to pay for our unexpected adoption in cash and bring Baby Girl home.

We had to make it happen.

Here's the thing:

When you boldly declare what you want, multiply that with grit + hustle, and then seek help with compassion, empathy prevails and magic happens.

Together with friends and strangers on the internet, we made it happen.

What giant obstacle are you facing today?

What if you leaned in toward the challenge and fearlessly declared what you wanted to do?

How might people around you rally around your cause?

Today let's all dare to make it happen!

Happy 8th Birthday, Life Church

“I will build my church — and the power of death will not be able to overpower it!”
— Jesus in Matthew 16:18 (TPT)

8 years ago today, my family took a deep breath and cannonballed into the unknown by launching weekly worship experiences... the birth of the church we love!

Just like childbirth it was messy, scary, and even a little bloody... yet what emerged is beautiful and bringing Life to the Great Lakes Bay Region.


We started by renting theater and classroom space at Saginaw Valley State University

It was a herculean task setting up and tearing down our portable church environments every week, but we got it done (even in Michigan winter!).


When you start something new completely from scratchEVERYTHING is HARD... but it's worth it.

For the past 8 years, we've lifted up Jesus, inspired our region, and seen lives transformed by God's amazing love.


To date, we've seen two hundred and eighty-eight people baptized at Life Church -- Holy Wow!

Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

I CANNOT WAIT to see what our future days bring us as we continue to reach the lost at any cost!

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Introducing Anthony Bowman


It is an honor and privilege to welcome Anthony Bowman and his amazing family to our Life Church staff team!

With nearly twelve years of worship leading experience in local churches plus studies at Cincinnati Christian University, Anthony is a down-to-earth guy with an irresistible passion for Christ.

Anthony will lead our Band, oversee all aspects of Worship Production at our Midland and Saginaw campuses as well as our Central Operations volunteers during weekday office hours.

He can play just about any instrument you put in front of him: guitar, bass, piano, drums, ukelele, mandolin, and even a little bit of banjo (although that fifth string trips him up)!

Anthony and his wife Grace are celebrating 10 years of marriage this September as they raise three amazing kiddo's: Iraela, Ember and Cyrus.

Please help us welcome Anthony on his first official morning with us on Sunday, March 28th!


wants to belong.

You belong here.

At Life Church, we’re not here to judge or tear anyone down.

Our church exists to build people up with the hope and love of God.

You should know:
No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you’re welcome here!

As God has blessed our church family with tremendous growth in such a short amount of time, we’ve learned that with an increase of people calling Life Church ‘home’ comes an increase in the complexity with improving our internal ministry systems to serve more people.


Making It Better

Over the past couple of months, Life Church has made strong internal improvements and changes to ensure greater ministry health going forward.

One example is Life Church’s new Financial Systems overseen by Sommerville & Associates, P.C. and pending accreditation with the ECFA.

We believe in transparency.

Our robust new financial systems serve to provide donors with an increased sense of comfort and trust as we continue loving and serving our region in Jesus’ Name.


Honor & Integrity

Another example is in the area of ministry staffing.

We have revamped all our internal policies and procedures to create a positive, gospel-centered work environment with clear, written expectations and accountability for all ministry staff including:



In cooperation with Midland Center for the Arts, our 9:30am Midland Campus worship gatherings on Sundays will include the following safety protocols:

  • 100% Face Masks for everyone at all times inside the building

  • Social-distanced seating in the theater (with 400 seats to choose from, this is easy to do!)

  • All Church Volunteers and Guests will CHECK-IN via Digital Kiosks as they arrive & enter the Front Lobby.

    In the event of COVID contact, Digital Check-Ins will allow our team to conduct Contact Tracing.

Thank you all for understanding, cooperating, and loving thy neighbor.

We're excited for this coming Sunday at 9:30am and we believe that the best is yet to come!

#YouBelongHere #SafetyFirst


Bob Goff on Making a Holy Shift


Welcome to Episode #50

This week's guest: Bob Goff, bestselling author of Love Does, Dream Big, and his latest release, Everybody Always for Kids!

What is this podcast about?

Revealing the secrets of popular comedians, Jonathan Herron provides a fresh approach to life and leadership in this weekly podcast:

- Unleash contagious enthusiasm

- Equip leaders to leverage laughter and passion

- Create sustainable momentum in your life and leadership

Let’s Connect

Connect with Jonathan at @HighFiveJon and






You Cannot Follow Me


Before Jesus' arrest, Peter asks where He is going, and Jesus replied,

"Where I am going you cannot follow Me, but you will follow Me afterward" (John 13:36).

Post-resurrection, Jesus says simply to Peter,

"Follow Me" (John 21:19).

To live for Christ means to die to self.

Following Christ WILL cost you everything.

And yet, as Jim Elliott once said, he is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose!