3 Secrets of Comedy-Writers for Fearless Church Leaders


During a recent Fearless Leadership Coaching Livestream, I shared with church planters and movement leaders 3 secrets of Comedy-Writers that will apply to your next team meeting or message!

I believe in you.

You have what it takes to fearlessly lead your church toward growth.

To help you, here’s the archived livestream from my new YouTube channel plus my notes below — enjoy!

1) Stop Negative Self-Talk

  • Every comedian fights inner demons.

  • Leadership is lonely.  Look up!

    The Lord said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look (up!) at it and live.” (Numbers 21:8)

    "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up." (John 3:14)

  • Look up with Eyes of Faith -- God never curses His children.

2) Hustle

Comedians can't afford to sit back and wait to become discovered.

Get out there, shake trees, make phone calls... Make It Happen!

• 80% of sales requires 5 follow-ups

• Follow up with web leads (Facebook, email) in 5 minutes or less! Otherwise they are 9 x’s more likely to lose interest. 

• 63% of clients requesting info won’t buy in for 3 months. 

• 20% of people take 12 months before their first purchase.  

3) Process for Winning Over the People:

• LIKE You

• KNOW You


Remember: You serve your clients:

  • Jesus: Constantly getting interrupted

  • Create margin in your schedule for divine appointments!



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Daily Encouragement & Tips on Social Media: @HighFiveJon

Daily Encouragement & Tips on Social Media: @HighFiveJon

The Church Growth Gap

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Healthy Things Grow

It is so easy to take for granted what the Lord is doing at the church I love.

When people visit a Life Church location, they assume this is the norm across America.

Sadly, it is not.


Startling Stats

Last week a fresh new study was released at the Exponential Conference via LifeWay Research:

  • 6 in 10 Protestant churches are plateaued or declining in attendance

  • 57% have less than 100 in worship attendance

  • 21% average around 50 people in weekly attendance

  • More than 50% saw fewer than 10 people become new Christians in the past 12 months

  • Only the top 10% of churches nationwide average 250+ in weekly attendance

  • In 2018, only 32% of churches helped start a new church or campus


The Church Growth Gap

This blows my mind.

The norm in America — the status quo of churches — is never scraping past 100 people.

The by-product of American seminaries is having 90% of churches never breaking 250 in attendance.

That’s NOT what I see in the Scriptures:

Peter preached to them and warned them with these words: “Be rescued from the wayward and perverse culture of this world!”

Those who believed the word that day numbered three thousand. They were all baptized and added to the church.

Every believer was faithfully devoted to following the teachings of the apostles. Their hearts were mutually linked to one another, sharing communion and coming together regularly for prayer.

A deep sense of holy awe swept over everyone, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

All the believers were in fellowship as one body, and they shared with one another whatever they had.

Out of generosity they even sold their assets to distribute the proceeds to those who were in need among them.

Daily they met together in the temple courts and in one another’s homes to celebrate communion. They shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility.

They were continually filled with praises to God, enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord kept adding to their number daily those who were coming to life.
(Acts 2:40-47, TPT)


Making a Holy Shift

We are supposed to be a movement of changed lives, unleashed by the Carpenter-King.

The greatest message in the world brimming with hope, forgiveness, destiny and life is being smothered out.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Jesus promised He would build His church.

The potential of the gospel is always on the horizon.

I do not believe God has called church leaders to hold the fort but to storm the heights!

Jesus did not die on the cross so that we could become comfortable, engage in silly debates with other Christians, and hold our ground. We are called to fearlessly DOUBLE DOWN and TAKE SOME GROUND!


Are You Willing to Be Made Willing?

Jesus was not crucified on the cross so that I could go online and crucify others.

My platform exists to speak life, truth, and hope over people’s lives!

My words, my actions, my influence… all of it is HIS and I want to leverage all of it to help make Heaven crowded!

The good news is that it is NEVER TOO LATE TO BECOME who you MIGHT HAVE been!

While our Lifers continue to dream bigger dreams and attempt larger jumps of faith, I want to encourage and equip other church leaders and church planters.


You have what it takes.

I believe in you.

Join me for our next Fearless Leadership Coaching Livestream this Wednesday at 8:30am EST.

No ego’s.

No Comparison Games.

No Sales Gimmicks.

Just raw enthusiasm and insanely-practical leadership coaching for leaders and church planters.

Normally our coaching costs $179.

But I’m so fired up about these new sinking stats that we’re offering you FREE ACCESS this Wednesday.

That’s right, it’s on the house.

Sign up now and we’ll send you the private link:

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This Wednesday, 8:30am EST

Join other church leaders and planters from across the country this Wednesday at 8:30am EST.

Become fearless and receive proven training from the best.

Together, let’s see what God can do through you!

How to Quickly Reach People Far From God

In just 5 years my church has grown from 0 people to 1,200 people and is now launching our third church campus.

How did we do it?

We PRAY like it depends on GOD and we WORK like it depends on US.

Here's 60 seconds of fast church planting tips:

I believe you can fearlessly lead your church to growth too.

Never apologize for wanting to quickly reach people far from God.

Discover more at the all-new FearlessLeadershipNetwork.com

We Are Team Herron


Our five month journey through an unexpected adoption has come in for a landing.

Alysia Hope is now officially, legally, forever a part of Team Herron!


Unexpected Adoption

Our story began five months ago with a phone call out of the blue.

That led to a frantic online telethon and a little baby girl.

And now, she is ours!


Breaking News on a Forever Family: Tomorrow our Adoption of Baby Alysia Becomes Permanent!


Five months ago our lives were interrupted with crazy amazing news:

The birthmother of our (then) youngest contacted us asking if we would ADOPT her newborn infant baby girl!


We had always dreamt of having one more little baby girl, but we had no idea how that would happen due to the sky-high costs of adoption combined with our stage of life.

Never allow your circumstances to dictate your destiny. God is BIGGER than your roadblocks!

Our mad-dash to come up with thousands and thousands of dollars for this unexpected adoption led to a bunch of cool new stories like this one:

Never allow your circumstances to dictate your destiny. God is BIGGER than your roadblocks!
— Jonathan Herron

Fast-forward five months and things are going GREAT:

Our children ADORE their baby sister and Alysia Hope is happy, healthy, and fully-bonded to her Mommy and Daddy!


We are blown away by the support of our church family. They really stepped up and came alongside us during this insanely-stressful season of quick change.


Every adoption story is different, with many twists and turns in the areas of emotions and legal milestones.

Thankfully, we have an open and healthy relationship with Levi and Alysia’s birthmother — she is an amazing young woman who made an extremely loving plan for her children’s lives.

Our stories are now forever linked and intertwined,
and we are the better for it.


This Is It!

The final legal milestone takes place TOMORROW!

We’ll get the kids out of school before lunch, road trip across the High Five State, walk into a Grand Rapids courtroom, and celebrate as the Judge signs the Adoption Finalization Paperwork that grants Alysia Hope the permanent last name: “Herron!”

THANK YOU ALL for your prayers, your support, and your kindness.

The past five months have been lighter because of you.

Follow us on Instagram as I’m sure Amber and I will blow up our Instagram feeds and Insta Stories after the finalization in Court tomorrow!
