If you haven't heard of the Dream Big Framework yet, here's the scoop:
Imagine a two day Master Class dedicated to the Art of Strategic Whimsy plus Making Your Dreams Happen. Then imagine that the core instructor is Chief Balloon Inflator and New York Times Bestselling Author, Bob Goff!
Dream Big happened at just the right time in my life.
I'm walking through a season of refining my character and redefining my dreams for the future.
Bob has been gracious to step in as a personal coach during this season and he is challenging my socks off in grace-filled ways.
Everyone walks away from Dream Big ready to take on the world in positive ways.
For me, there were three big ideas that Bob challenged me with that I thought I'd share here...
1) What Do I Want to Be Known For?
When I spend time with Bob on the phone for coaching calls, he keeps asking me the same powerful question: "Who is in my chair?"
What he's asking is, what do I want to be known for?
My titles range from 'Daddy' to 'Comedian' to 'Pastor' to 'Author.' That's a lot of titles to carry! But a title is not who I am; they are roles I have the privilege of stepping into.
What I'm wrestling through now is how do I take the richness of my past experiences/wisdom and make them more accessible to help more people going forward?
Jesus was always going around changing people's names and their destiny's for the better. He's making some changes in my life right now as well. I'm working on making a quarter-twist that will bring greater clarity to my life's mission of helping others. Nailing down what that exactly looks like is the challenge.
I would rather fail as myself rather than succeed pretending to be someone I’m not.
“I would rather fail as myself rather than succeed pretending to be someone I’m not.”
2) Unlearn the Rules I've Told Myself
Bob pulled out a 16 inch softball invented during the Depression called a 'Clincher Ball.'
The big idea was that the ball was soft enough that you wouldn't need to buy an expensive mitt to catch it and it was large enough that nobody could possibly hit a homerun.
One of the rules I've unconsciously made in my life is that I always have to hit homeruns. If it's not going to ship perfectly, I won't ship it at all.
Bob told me I need to give myself a Clincher Ball: It's not always about hitting homeruns!
Somewhere along the way, I invented this Homerun Rule in my head because something unfair happened to me. Bob told me not to go for FAIR... Go for BEING PRESENT!
Unlearning the rules I've told myself requires just a little bit of time and a little bit of courage.
3) Be Brave Enough to Suck at Something New
Playing it safe is too risky.
Somehow along the way, I've slipped into playing it safe.
Bob is challenging me to set absurd expectations in my life again: "Don't let applause or affirmation dictate your choices. Applause is for the circus!"
He boiled it down to three key ideas that are kicking my butt:
Figure out WHO you want to be.
Have it inform WHAT you do.
So there you have it: I'm choosing to Dream Big again, to burn the ships and explore new territories.
I've only got one life to live and so much to offer.
What's holding you back in life?
What dreams would you pursue full throttle if you knew everyone was cheering you on?