You've Gotta FAIL If You Want to SUCCEED

Did you know that the average small business owner fails 2.7 times before finally reaching success? That means they have to publicly fall flat on their faces and lose everything over two times before they learn all the secrets necessary for full-time success! The term “Overnight Success” is an oxymoron.

I believe the same is true in ministry: you’ve gotta FAIL if you want to SUCCEED!

In failure:

  • You learn how not to treat the people you lead

  • Discoveries are made in scheduling and planning for major events

  • Emotional IQ is enhanced and increased

  • Persistence is stirred up for later reliance

  • WHO you can trust and count on during tough times is revealed

  • Humility is accepted as the pathway to greatness.

Every crisis is an opportunity.

Dream Again.  Dream Bigger.  Dream Better.

The Dream is the Distance: Everything looks different from a distance.

Even though you see empty seats, there is an opportunity for growth.

Genesis 41 tells us the following:

  • The dark room is where he develops the negatives.

  • The more God uses you, the more He humbles you.

  • Purpose Over Position -- Believe this and you will never get offended!

  • No Mess, No Ministry

  • No Drama, No Dream

God did not say this would be easy; He said He would be with you.

If you are currently experiencing or feeling failure, GREAT! It’s a necessary prerequisite to achieving greater ground for Kingdom expansion! Keep your chin up, your head low, and your posture as a servant-leader. In Christ, the best is yet to come!