Ministry Intern Orientation


When a LEADER gets better, EVERYONE gets better.

That’s why I take our internship program at Life Church so seriously and passionately.

I love investing into emerging church leaders!

“These early Christians were ON FIRE with the conviction that they had become, through Christ, literally sons of God; they were PIONEERS of a new humanity, founders of a new Kingdom.

They still speak to us across the centuries. Perhaps if we believed what they believed, we might achieve what they achieved.”
— J.B. Phillips, 1947

For what it’s worth, here’s the most recent orientation sessions for our Ministry Interns…

- Matthew 16:18

- "You are the KRISTOS (Christ)"

- They believed to their core that Jesus was the Son of the living God!

- Luke 15 is the HEARTBEAT of Life Church

- Matthew 28 is not a Great SUGGESTION, it's the Great COMMISSION!

- Ezekiel 11

- Dichotomists vs Trichotomists

- Acts 1 = Pray

- Acts 2 = Spirit-empowered witnesses

- Acts 2:42

- Acts 2:46 & 4:32 = High Tech + High Touch

I prefer the way I do evangelism to the way you don’t.
— D.L. Moody to his religious critics

* Read 'Holy Shift' for the history and unique ministry strategy of our church

Narrow the Focus

- WHAT is the mission? Luke 15

- WHO is our mission field? The Lost, Let-Down & Looking.

- Our Vision: Reach the Lost at Any Cost!



  • Healthy Things Grow

  • Growing Things Change

  • Changing Things Challenge

  • Challenging Things Drive Us Toward God

  • Trusting God Leads to Obedience

  • Obeying God Leads to Health

  • Healthy Things Grow...


At Life Church, we think STEPS, not PROGRAMS!

- High Tech + High Touch

- Post-COVID World = Strengthen our High Touch

- Our role is to help people take next steps from Crowd to Christ to Core!


Lifers are our CORE.

- What is a LIFER?

A Lifer is someone living out the 4 G's of Life Church:

1) GROWTH - I am committed to the GROWTH of my church by INVITING!

2) GROUPS - Watch your faith grow through investing in GROUP relationships with people who want to learn and grow with you.

3) GIFTS - Use your spiritual GIFTS and start volunteering right away -- see the immediate difference you can make by serving on a Team.

4) GENEROSITY - See God’s promises fulfilled through your GENEROSITY and take ownership in what God is doing through this ministry.




- We are structured for SUCCESS!

- Jesus is the Senior Pastor (1 Peter 5)

- Lead Pastor is the Quarterback (1 Peter 5, Titus 1, 1 Timothy 3)

- Lead Pastor is accountable to Board of Directors

- Accounting Firm is accountable to Board of Directors

- Staff are accountable to Lead Pastor (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1)

- Ministry Interns are accountable to Staff (Paul - Timothy - Titus)

- Lifers are set-up for SUCCESS every Sunday by Staff and Interns (Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12)

Process of moving Crowd to Christ to Core: Begin, Belong, Believe (think steps, not programs!)


"Every heart with Christ is a missionary; every heart without Christ is a mission field." (Dick Hillis, missionary to Asia)