Outdoor Baptisms
Outdoor Baptisms at Life Church, Aug 22, 2021 /// LifeChurchMichigan.com
The New Rules of Leadership
The COVID disruption of the past 16+ months changed everything: rhythms, routines and priorities.
Leading an organization has never been harder.
Here’s some of the New Rules of Leadership I’ve been learning along the way…
Photo Essay: One of Our Top 3 Biggest Post-COVID Crowds
10 Steps to Fearless Leadership
What's holding you back from moving forward?
What if you weren't afraid anymore?
Here’s a recent live teaching for leadership teams unpacking 10 Steps to Fearless Leadership in your life, your organization, and your legacy!
NEVER APOLOGIZE for Wanting Your Church to Grow

60 Seconds of Fast Leadership Fuel
Spontaneous Baptisms
"We were buried with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:4)
Spontaneous Baptisms, Cookie Monster Visits, Life Kids Volunteer Luncheon...
This is how we change the world!
One Way Missionaries

There was an era of missionary zeal around the turn of the 19th century that bred a group who became known as One-Way Missionaries.
When they departed for the mission field, they packed all of their belongings into a coffin and bought one-way tickets because they knew they’d never return home.
A.W. Milne was one of those missionaries. He felt called to a tribe of headhunters in the New Hebrides.
All the other missionaries to this tribe had been martyred, but Milne didn’t shrink back into safe Christianity.
Milne did not fear for his life because he had already died to himself. His coffin was packed.
He served in the New Hebrides for more than fifty years.
The tribe buried him and wrote the following words on his tombstone:
“When he came there was no light. When he left there was no darkness.”
What an incredible inscription of someone’s life.
Imagine what the church would look like today if every single follower of Christ exhausted their lives to reach more people far from God.