The New Rules of Leadership
The COVID disruption of the past 16+ months changed everything: rhythms, routines and priorities.
Leading an organization has never been harder.
Here’s some of the New Rules of Leadership I’ve been learning along the way…
NEVER APOLOGIZE for Wanting Your Church to Grow
60 Seconds of Fast Leadership Fuel
Never Give Up
Jumpstart your day with this live recording from this morning’s Fearless Leadership Coaching.
Billy Graham's Urgent Passion
"They had no Bibles, no cemeteries, no Bible schools.
No radios or telephones.
No printing presses.
No churches.
However, they turned the world upside down in one generation.
What did they have?
They had an experience with the living Christ.
They had the filling of the Holy Spirit."
"And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness."
- the early church in Acts 4.31 (ESV)