Jonathan Herron

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6 Steps to Relaunching Your Church

If we want our churches to grow and to reach more people for Christ, we have to learn to speak the same language.

Ask your team: Why does your church exist?

Everyone has a vision for your church, but you need to know why.

Vision & Values are required for your church to grow.

A program won't grow your church, but a process will.

  1. Engagement

    People are interested in spiritual things, but too often the church is answering questions that no one is asking.

    Discover what keeps your neighbors up at night (HINT: usually it’s something involving finances or relationships). Use their felt need to take them to their greatest need!

    In engagement comes explanation (see Nehemiah 8:1–10).

    Make it clear and give the meaning to the people.

  2. Excellence

    It's not about achieving perfection, it's about giving the best effort with what you have. Jesus has never given us anything but His absolute best!

    Excellence doesn't always mean spending more money, but it does mean expending greater effort.

  3. Excitement

    Listen, you need to become your church’s BIGGEST CHEERLEADER for EVERY Sunday!

    The devil is excited if you’re not excited about this coming Sunday!!

  4. Patience

    What a lot of churches call discipleship is nothing more than a form of control and manipulation. We cannot ‘microwave’ leaders!

    Thank about it: What would happen if the church responded to spiritual babies the way we respond to our children?

    We have to be patient with people.

    Discipleship is not a program, it's a process.

  5. Kindness

    What if the church was known because it was nice to people?

    Jesus was kind! People will come to Christ if we preach the biblical version instead of the denominational version of Jesus.

  6. Remembrance

    Don't ever forget what he's saved you from (2 Corinthians 1:26–31).